Happy Mother’s Day and a rose to each and every mother, mother-to-be, first time mom, new mom, grandmother, great grandmother and mother-in-law. May all your days be filled with blessings, appreciation, and love.
The Sultan Club invites all of you to an evening dedicated to Sitt-El7abayib. Please join us for a very exciting program.
The program for the evening will be as follows:
5pm-7pm : Social Hour and Photo Opportunity. A photographer will be taking family and group portraits in these categories: mothers, expectant, first time, new, grand, great grand, and mother-in-laws. These portraits will be part of Sultan Club calender and directory so please arrive early.
7pm-8pm : The Grape Leaf will serve dinenr. On the menu is salmon, chicken, rice, hummus and salad along with chicken nuggets and fries. Food will be removed immediately after to make room for rest of the program. We ask that mom be served by her husband or children.
8pm-10pm : Tributes to Sitt-El7abayib by Adam Smidi and Hanady Awada followed by our own violinist Hanady Jarouche and Nour Jarouche in addition to other surprises. At the same time, a craft table will be available for children to make a personalized gift/card for Mom.
10pm-12mid : Percussionist Ihab Smidi will entertain us to Dabki and dance.
Please RSVP Soon. Tables will be reserved. Dinner will be ordered only to those who reserved.
Kindly bring a delicious home made dessert or fruit to share.
Date: March 26, 2011
Time: 5:00 PM – 12:00 midnight
Price: $10 for adults and $5 for children. Maximum charge per family: $50, regardless of number.