Naheed Sufi
Join us for a Family Friendly Halloween Party on Saturday, October 29th at 6pm. Admission is Free! There will be food, games, and contests for all ages! The contests include: Costume Contest Most Delicious HOMEMADE Dessert Best/Most creative carved pumpkin Musical Chairs for the Kids There will also be goodie bags for the kids. Food
This month's program is entitled "Awareness of the Heroin Epidemic" presented by Lucas County Sheriff John Tharp & D.A.R.T. (Drug Abuse Response Team). With special guest Robyn Shinaver, Toxicology Supervisor for the Lucas County Coroners Office. Admission is free & Refreshments will be provided. Download Flyer Download Poster
- Rajesh Alsubaiy
Mohamad K. Smidi
Issa Wehbi
Ahmed A. Orra
Nabil Shaheen & Dan Ridi would like to invite you to dinner with our Toledo Mayor Paula Hicks Hudson Sunday, April the 30th, 5:30 pm at the Sultan Club. Tickets at the Door $25 each. Sponsorships from $200 up to $5000 are available.
Youssef Saadeh
Youssef Saadeh
Mohamad K. Smidi
Waseem H Smidi